Writing for business

Businesses deliver products and services the community wants and needs. Businesses generate wealth for owners, workers and others.

Controlling systems

Defining how the business works – its policies and procedures – allows the business to run in a more predictable way and reduces risk. It removes the need to ‘re-invent the wheel’ and leverages development so that it can be repeated.

Think-write can help by developing clear policies and procedures so that all workers know what is expected of them.

Generating revenue

Generating revenue is the most important task of any business. Without revenue the whole enterprise stops. All businesses must give this the highest priority.

Think-write can help by developing proposals, business cases and marketing collateral that clearly explains the benefits of a business’s products and services to customers.

Developing products

Businesses can only generate revenue if they have something to sell. The needs and tastes of customers changes constantly. Competitors are continually offering alternatives. Businesses must always better match their products to the needs and desires of customers, and sometimes develop products that create a need and desire.

Think-write can help by writing clear reports and proposals for new ideas to help decision makers.

Cutting costs

Cutting costs is a lower priority, but important. Finding ways to do things cheaper gives ‘fat’ to further develop products. Or it can be taken as profit by owners (for a limited time).

Think-write can help by defining requirements and specifications for automation.

Examples of work

Marketing material

The power of Testamentary Trust Wills - Frank Law

Frank Law, an innovative boutique law firm, knew that many people do not know about a Testamentary Trust Will – and the whole idea was complex to explain. But they also knew it was the best option for many clients. We worked with the Estate Planning Practice lead to develop a clear explanation of the advantages of Testamentary Trust Wills, and crafted some brief stories to make the concepts concrete.

CropCover Insurance - Manual for Insurance Brokers (GIO)

The innovative approach to crop insurance required brokers and their clients to think in a different way and approach insurance and risk management from a fresh perspective. This manual helped brokers introduce and sell the product to farmers, while also describing the way brokers work with GIO.
crop cover manual

Mussel pumping technology

An innovative design that improves pumping efficiency and minimises blockages needed to be explained and presented to the market.
Mussel flyer

Fire protection at transport interchange (Wormald)

This case study demonstrates Wormald capabilities in a real project. Case studies give life to and credibility to standard marketing claims.
Chatswood interchange

Promoting advanced manufacturing (Austool)

These case studies demonstrated the advantages of working in a new way and of taking on the approach being promoted by Austool.
Manufacturing to a Better Environment

Developing products

Business proposals for advanced cloud based computing (IAG)

As one of the largest insurers in the Asia Pacific, IAG constantly update and improve their computer systems. Moving to ‘the cloud’ for software development has the potential to transform IT delivery. But, of course, it requires investment by the company. Think-write worked together with subject matter experts to clearly define the benefits of such a transformation, along with the costs of doing so. The result was a concise and compelling business case.

Superannuation Clearing House (AAS)

The Superannuation Clearing House product allows employers to pay super contributions to all funds via a simple login to the default fund’s website. It protects the default fund brand by maintaining the look, feel and user experience.
Think-write worked with subject matter experts to design the product and worked to overcome some legal issues. We also documented the requirements for off-shore product development

Policy, procedures and standards

Operating processes for virtualised IT infrastructure environments (IAG)

A transformed IT delivery strategy that accesses cloud computing resources requires an enhanced operating model, defined and tested with users by Think-write

Online help system for claim administration (IAG)

Over 6000 pages of text needed to be re-organised, reviewed and re-written to deliver revised content to users. A new information structure, along with targeted search capabilities, helped users quickly find what they needed. And when they found it, they could quickly and easily understand the information as it had been re-written using plain language principles.

Converting complex safety standards into readable summaries (Mobil Oil Australia)

All workers need to know about new safety standards, but the standards developed were long, wordy and difficult to read. Think-write developed easy to read summaries to introduce workers to the requirements in a simple and attractive way. (These summaries were awarded a ‘Bronze Serif’ for clarity in communication.

CustomSuper Advisor's Guide (AMP)

This manual helps financial planners and others understand the new AMP product. It describes the relationship between the broker, AMP and the client, as well as detailing the processes around selling and establishing each superannuation plan.

Workers Compensation Claims Process Manual (GIO)

This manual detailed the injury management process required by changes to the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act in 1998.

Each step in the process is visually set in the context of overall management of the injury so that the big picture does not get lost in the detail. A three column format is used that

  1. describes the step and its purpose
  2. explains how to complete the step
  3. provides additional information about the manner in which this work is done.

At the end of each process is a section titled ‘You will have performed this process well if …’ to allow workers to judge completeness and quality.

Human Resource Management standards (P&O Ports)

A set of standards that defines how people work within P&O Ports globally, including a section devoted to arrangements for expatriates. Standards are structured around

  • objective – explaining the intent of the standard
  • policy – explaining the rules and what the standard is
  • procedure – explaining how the policy, rules or standards must be implemented
  • supporting tools – aids for implementing procedures

Requirements specification

Website requirements (AAS)

A new superannuation Employer Access website including innovative features such as
– fully integrated clearing house capability, allowing employers to pay super for multiple funds in a single payment while maintaining connection to their default fund
– simple to use ‘file to grid’ capability allowing employers to upload a file directly into the backend database; ‘no touch’ validation.
Think-write documented requirements and liaised with off-shore programmers.

Workflow and imaging system specification (GIO)

A deep knowledge of the injury management processes (from previous process documentation) allowed comprehensive definition of system specifications to implement and configure new software.