Problems we solve

Here are just some of the business and organisational problems rigorous thinking and clear writing can help solve

We've got great ideas and solutions, but our proposals aren't acted on.

Whether you are trying to change a large organisation from the inside, or whether you are on the outside offering solutions, being able to effectively communicate and ‘sell’ your ideas is essential.
Sure, ideas need to be presented logically and the benefits and costs clearly explained, but often the key is making an emotional connection with the decision maker. So complete and accurate, but boring, proposals will never get through.
Think-write can work with you to develop an appropriate structure to present your ideas and help you craft the words to get the message across clearly and persuasively.

Business knowledge sits in people's heads and no one else can use it.

Having a single person with all the knowledge about a business can work OK in a micro-business. But once you go beyond one or two people, business knowledge needs to be shared with others.
Defining your policies and procedures allows a business to run in a defined and predictable way. And it helps new employees quickly get up to speed.
If you are looking to sell your business in the future, a defined business system will increase its value. Buyers get a robust and documented business system, not just a bunch of machines and inventory and customers.
‘Documenting’ does not mean lots of boring manuals. It could be wall charts, diagrams or even videos.
Think-write can work with you to decide what are the most important areas to document first. We can sit beside the people who do the work to extract their knowledge. Or we can set up a system where you document and we refine and edit.

We keep on 're-inventing the wheel'.

Sometimes businesses solve the same problem over and over.
You know the issue has been dealt with before, but that knowledge has been lost somehow. Perhaps it was never documented in the first place, or perhaps you can’t find it now, or perhaps it was documented in a way that made sense to the writer but no one else can understand it.
Think-write can help by developing a way to manage the intellectual assets within your business so that they are accessible and understandable.

It's not clear what each person's job is. Some tasks get missed, others are done twice

Lack of clarity in job descriptions frustrates both the worker and the organisation. It raises unclear expectations on both sides.
Think-write can help by defining clear role descriptions and expectations.

Documents required by government regulations drain resources

Many industries are heavily regulated and are forced by law to produce documents. For example, all licensed financial service providers must have a Financial Services Guide; most employers must have an emergency plan; and the list goes on.
Think-write can help you develop documents that both satisfy the law and help your business. For example, there is no reason why a Financial Services Guide can’t also contain effective marketing material and be genuinely helpful for prospective clients.

Subject matter experts aren't getting through to decision makers

Technical experts often have valuable, in-depth knowledge that could benefit an organisation enormously, if only they could be understood.
Experts often get caught up in the detail of their knowledge and find it difficult to express what they know in a way that makes sense to a non-technical audience.
Think-write can help experts frame their knowledge in a way that makes sense to others. We can re-structure and re-write material so that non expert readers can understand it. This is not ‘dumming down’ (a highly offensive term) but rather translating technical language into every day language.

People aren't reading, or aren't understanding, what is written

Often an organisation has extensive written assets – documents that have been developed over many years, representing significant investment. But they are not used, or they are not understood.
Documents like this are a waste.
Think-write can refresh these documents so that they deliver information people recognise as important. We express ideas in everyday language so that most people can understand the content quickly and easily. We can also identify documents that no longer have any use – don’t waste time on these.

Important information gets stuck in the document review cycle

Many organisations run documents through various levels of review before they are published.
This checking is an important part of both thinking together as an organisation and ensuring excellence. But it does slow down the process.
Think-write can help develop guidelines and train writers and reviewers to make this process more beneficial and efficient.

We have important policies, procedures and plans but few people keep to them

Policies, procedures and plans are a good thing. They capture organisational thinking and share it with the rest of the organisation. But if no-one reads or acts on them, you’ll end up with a set of placements rather than useful documents.
People fail to read documents because they see them as irrelevant. They fail to follow them because they think there is a better way. Ultimately it can lead to chaos in your organisation, and perhaps prosecution if things go badly wrong.
Think-write can help you define those polices, procedures and plans that are vital to your organisation. We can present them in a way that is engaging so people are more likely to read and act on them. We can’t guarantee that will eliminate maverick behaviour, but we can remove many of the excuses people use for not keeping to the rules.

Customers don't understand what you can do for them

Making your products and services clear and attractive for your customers is essential for any business. Government agencies need to define what you do for the community.
Think-write can help you explain what you do in a clear and straightforward way, emphasising the benefit you provide and the value you deliver. Often all that is needed is a clear explanation, not over-the-top puffery and exaggeration.

Workers suffer from information overload; it's difficult to manage complexity

As the world gets more complex and connected, we all need to deal with more information than we can comfortably handle. We end up finding ways to simplify things, sometimes by ignoring important knowledge.
Think-write can help by designing information structures to organise information. We’ll help you define the big picture so readers can make sense of the detail.