Crafting marketing material

WIIFM is the radio station everyone is tuned in to – what’s in it for me?

Always write from the perspective of the reader. Link your product or service to the readers’ needs and desires. Make it clear how you will make your readers’ life better.

The conceptual framework: Promise – Prove – Picture – Push

Build these ideas in your copy, generally in this order, to maximise effectiveness in brochures, sales letters, websites, etc.

Promise. Tell your readers what you will do for them. Explain how your product or service will deliver an outcome they want. Businesses generally want to increase sales, reduce costs or operate more effectively. Individuals usually want to be healthier, wealthier and wiser. Make a promise: “If you buy from me then ……” (use this idea, not these words)

Prove. Convince your reader that you are able to deliver on your promise. Cite studies or experts, explain your processes, provide testimonials.

Picture. Help the reader develop a picture in their mind of what life would be like if they bought your product or service. Talk about a healthier leaner body. Talk about a more efficient factory. Case studies are useful for this – they help people get a real picture of how you have helped others, and also provide proof that you can deliver on your promise.

Push. Tell people how to get your product or service. Talk about special deals. Encourage them to act now. Give a sense of urgency.

But don’t …..

  • use puffery. Puffing your product or service up without explanation – “the greatest product ever” – does not convince people to buy.
  • talk about yourself or how long you have been in business. People don’t care; they are only interested in what’s in it for them. Only talk about your history etc if it is important to prove you can deliver on your promise.